Summer is here! And we are smack dab in the middle of the month of Tammuz, aka Cancer, The Crab. As the intensity of the Sun beats down on us in the Northern Hemisphere, the need for shelter and protection from the elements is apparent. Just like the Crab has a hard outer shell to protect its soft, delicate insides, we also need to insulate ourselves from the intensity of the Sun's rays.
Tammuz/Cancer is ruled by the Moon, a symbol of our ever-changing emotions. This time of year our emotions can be very up and down, a veritable roller coaster ride. In the Kabbalistic tradition, this month we need to put extra focus on purifying our perception to see beyond the negativity bias inherent in our human brains, that is, the tendency to see what's wrong or missing in a situation, rather than appreciating what is working or right about it.
So how do we purify our perception? It starts with awareness. It is a lifelong process of training our minds and reorienting ourselves to the moment as it is unfolding. We start again and again with each moment, with each breath.
The Summer months are some of the most idyllic in our collective consciousness, with images of perfect days at the beach, on the lake, or hiking in the forest. We are at the top of the in-breath; full and alive. We imagine that we'd like to stay in these places forever, but life is ever changing and we must breathe out. The full in-breath feels great, but after a while we long for the exhale. Just as the heat of the Sun feels good on our skin at first, after a little while we long for the shade. We are living beings and everything must change. We breathe in and then we breathe out. We wake and then we sleep. We laugh and then we cry. We swim in the ocean and then bask in the Sun. We get hungry, eat a meal, and take a nap. And all the while our Heart keeps the beat, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump.
The Heart is the main yin organ associated with the Summer season, and its yang counterpart is the Small Intestine. What is the relationship between these two organs? While the Heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout body, the Small Intestine absorbs nutrients from food and water that have first been broken down by the stomach. The Small Intestine filters this liquid, allowing nutrients to pass into the bloodstream, while larger or undigested molecules continue on into the large intestine. In this way, the Small Intestine is said to have the function of sorting the "pure" from the "impure". This happens on a physical as well as spiritual level. When the Small Intestine meridian is out of balance, it can result in a lack of clear judgment and confusion in our minds, yet another manifestation of the gut-brain connection.
We can assist the Small Intestine and our own mental health by stimulating various points on the body. Today we will focus on the point known as Small Intestine 4, which is on the outside of the hand, near the wrist.

Find the largest bony protrusion of your wrist (the pisiform) and palpate up your hand a bit, towards your fingers, until you find a small depression about one third of the way up your hand (before getting to the fingers), in between the 5th metacarpal bone and hamate bone.

If you pay attention, your finger will be subtly drawn into this depression. It will just "feel right" to palpate there. Press this point for 1
-3 minutes at a time, as often as you like. This activates and clears your the Small Intestine meridian, which can clear your mind and purify your perception, supporting your mental health. *
As the continuous flow of blood through the body is of vital importance, the Heart is considered the ruler of the body in Chinese Medicine, also known as "The Emperor" and "The Supreme Controller". A person is not pronounced dead when their brain stops functioning, but when their Heart stops pumping. The Heart Math Institute has done extensive research into the electromagnetic field of the Heart and how it affects the brain and and emotions. They have found the electromagnetic field of the Heart to be 60 times greater than the electromagnetic field emanating from the brain. They have also found that when the Heart is in a "coherent" state (when it has a stable regular repeating rhythm resembling a sine wave at a single frequency), your immune function increases, as well as cognitive ability, and overall feelings of well being. We can induce this state of coherence by practicing coordinated breathing and visualization techniques. For thousands of years, the wisdom of Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts have taught us that breath, movement, and imagination move chi (vital life force), thus affecting every organ of the body. The Heart Math institute now has its own body of research showing that how we use our imagination and breathing together has a profound and measurable affect on the Heart, and the brain in turn, impacting our cognition as well as our emotions.
One simple exercise they have created is called the Quick Coherence Technique. It is very simple, but can have a profound effect on your body/mind. And like anything, the more you practice it, the greater the effects. It goes like this:
STEP 1: Heart-Focused Breathing
Focus your attention on the area of the Heart. Imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your Heart or chest area. Breathe a little slower and deeper than usual.
STEP 2: Activate a Positive Feeling
Make a sincere attempt to experience a regenerative feeling such as appreciation or care for someone or something in your life.

Source: https://www.heartmath.org/resources/heartmath-tools/quick-coherence-technique-for-adults/
It's that simple, and it's that powerful.
I hope you will use these tools to purify your perception to perceive the magic of being alive in this moment.
May you see with the eyes of truth and love. And speaking of eyes, if you're looking for a good movie to watch, I recommend "The Eyes of Tammy Faye"!
Enjoy the ride,
Element: Fire
Organs: Heart/Small Intestine
Emotions: Joy (balanced)/Mania (unbalanced)
Acupressure: Small Intestine 4
Mazal/Sign: Tammuz/Cancer (Cardinal Water)
Important Dates
New Moon of Tammuz/Cancer: June 30
Full Moon of Tammuz/Cancer: July 13
New Moon of Av/Leo: July 29
* If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or others, please dial 988 to receive immediate help from qualified professionals. Your life matters and you are are not alone. Please reach out for help.

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Information on this website is intended to be informative and express the viewpoint of Chinese Medicine; it is not intended to be medical advice and does not substitute advice given by other healthcare professionals. The materials contained on this site are provided for general information purposes only and do not claim to be or constitute legal or other professional advice and shall not be relied upon as such.